About Sextoykart

Who are We?

 Our online store caters to fashion, personal and sexual needs of men and women.

Sextoykart.com went live in 2015 with the objective of making books easily available to anyone who had internet access. Today, we're present across various categories including dildo, vibrator, vagina, pussy, Fleshlight, silicone breast, strap-on dildo, BDSM and herbal products.

What we offer?

We own a wide range of pure quality products for singles as well as couples. From lubricants to dildos, vibrators to massagers, we have a comprehensive catalog of top brands in the sexual and personal care space with a few clicks of a mouse.

Confidentiality in our business

Confidentiality is the one thing we are quite concerned about. From using unmarked boxes for delivery, to introducing Customer Self Pick-up across the country, we are committed to maintaining privacy at every step of the shopping and delivery process.  

Talk to us               

We love hearing back from customers. Each and every feedback from our customer is precious for us to proceed and prosper. So if you have any suggestions, query or feedback, let us know at sales@sextoykart.com